Space Technologies
The space technology department of ZARM is working on the development and maturing of new technologies for future space missions as well as on the design of state-of-the-art space systems.

The group of space systems is involved in various space missions on multiple platforms focussing on the payload or space system design, simulation as well as AIVT activities. This includes systems engineering, interface definition, high-precison thermal and mechanical simulations as-well-as CAD modelling.mehr...

The group for enabling technologies is working on the development of cutting edge technologies. Current developments are mainly related to cold atom physics. Here a strong expertise was generated in the field of ultra-high vacuum technologies and on alkali-metal sources. Furthermore the group is working on the improvement of inter-spacecraft interferometry in Cooperation with the university of Hanover in the framework of the SFB Terra-Q. mehr...

For educational purposes, training and testing of small components for space systems a small shaker is available. Furthermore an outgassing rate testbed for assemblies at very low pressures was developed in the group.mehr...