damping behaviour of different tank-shapes
Three modular cylindrical vessel configurations are available for the sloshing experiments including the well known flat bottom geometry illustrated in the Figure below on the left, the concave bottom geometry illustrated in the middle and the convex bottom geometry illustrated on the right. All test vessel parts are made from acrylic glass to enable optical access during the experimental run. For data acquisition, the test facility is equipped with a high-speed camera system. This enables the measurement of the wave amplitude, the surface contour on the tank wall. As test liquid, deionized water at approximately 20 degrees Celsius is used.

The damping ratio is defined as a fraction between the logarithmic decrement based on the wave decay and the deep water dumping parameter divided by the Galilei Number.

for further information see:
Arndt, T., Dreyer, M. E.: Damping Behavior of Sloshing Liquid in Laterally Excited Cylindrical Propellant Vessels, Journal of Spacecraft and Rockets, 45/5, 1085-1088 (2008).
The funding of the research project by the German Federal Ministry of Economics and Technology (BMWi) through the German Aerospace Center (DLR) under grant number 50 RL 0741 is gratefully acknowledged.