Head of the Team

Team Members

Former group members
- Prof. Dr.-Ing. habil. Michael Dreyer (former head of the group)
- Dr.-Ing. Tim Arndt
- Dr. rer. nat. Kerstin Avila
- Dr.-Ing. Volker Baumbach
- M. Sc. Helmuth Behrens
- Dr.-Ing. Christian Berg
- M. Sc. Kamal Singh Bisht
- Dr.-Ing. Przemyslaw Max Bronowicki
- Dr.-Ing. Antje Brucks
- Dipl.-Ing. Kay Burow
- Dr.-Ing. Peter Canfield
- Ph. d. Yongkang Chen
- Dr.-Ing. Yvonne Chen
- Dr.-Ing. Michael Conrath
- Dr.-Ing. Armin de Lazzer
- Dr.-Ing. Nicolas Fries
- M. Sc. Peter Friese
- Dipl.-Ing. Eckart Fuhrmann
- Dr.-Ing. Diana Gaulke
- Dr.-Ing. Jens Gerstmann
- Dr.-Ing. Aleksander Grah
- Dr.-Ing. Yulia Grebenyuk
- Dipl.-Ing. Dennis Haake
- Dr.-Ing. Jörg Klatte
- Dr.-Ing. Nikolai Kulev
- Dr.-Ing. Carina Ludwig
- Dr.-Ing. Mark Michaelis
- Dr.-Ing. Karine Odic
- Dr. rer. nat. Antje Ohlhoff
- Dr.-Ing. André Pingel
- M. Sc. Wilhelm Raider
- Dr.-Ing. Uwe Rosendahl
- Dr.-Ing. Uwe Schmid
- Dr.-Ing. Sebastian Schmitt
- Dipl.-Ing. Rene Sionkiewicz
- Dr.-Ing. Michael Stange
- Dipl.-Ing. Malte Stief
- Dr.-Ing. Gerrit Wölk
- Dr.-Ing. Ming Zhang
- M.Sc. Dawid Zimnik