Open6GHub is developing and demonstrating new concepts for information transmission, quantum communication and resilient hardware in terrestrial and satellite-based 6G networks. The aim of the project is to design a holistic 6G system that meets the requirements of users and society after 2030. The aim is to contribute to a global 6G standard that takes German interests into account and strengthens the competitiveness of companies and technological sovereignty. The University of Bremen is one of the largest research partners in the Open6GHub and is responsible for the "Beyond Cellular" work package, which deals with the transition from the existing terrestrial mobile network to a three-dimensional mobile network. For this purpose, an experimental field for testing new 6G technologies is being set up at the University of Bremen, including several small satellite models and drones.
Funded by the BMBF under grant number 16KISK016.
Further information: www.zarm.uni-bremen.de/en/press/single-view/article/open6ghub-university-of-bremen-conducts-research-on-next-generation-wireless-communication.html