Aktuelle Ausschreibungen (Bachelorarbeiten)

The presence of turbulence in the human aorta has been historically linked with cardiovascular diseases. It is thus of the interest to understand how aortic flows can transition to turbulence and how turbulence behaves once it is triggered. mehr...

Cardiovascular flows are pulsatile in nature and characterized by complex geometries, fluid
structure interaction and non-Newtonian behavior.

Quantum physics is becoming more and more attention from science and economy. Often alkali-metals evaporated in an ultra-high vacuum are used as source for quantum technologies. Recently we developed a filling facility for alkali-metal sources such as ovens or dispenser in our laboratories. The next step is to qualify existing ovens with a saturation spectroscopy unit for space based missions.mehr...
Aktuelle Ausschreibungen (Masterarbeiten)

Nanoparticle agglomeration is a fundamental process in material science, which can be employed as a bottom-up production approach to produce materials with well-defined structural properties. mehr...
Bei Interesse bitte direkt die Forschungsgruppe Ihres Interessenbereichs kontaktieren:
- Strömungsmechanik: https://www.zarm.uni-bremen.de/en/research/fluid-dynamics.html
- Weltraumwissenschaften: https://www.zarm.uni-bremen.de/en/research/space-science.html
- Raumfahrttechnologie: https://www.zarm.uni-bremen.de/en/research/space-technologies.html