ZARM history
March 2016
Since March 1st Prof. Dr. Marc Avila holds the Chair in Fluid Dynamics at the Faculty of Production Engineering – Mechanical Engineering & Process Engineering – of the University of Bremen. He succeeds Hans Rath who had held the Chair for 31 years. By taking over the professorship in fluid dynamics he is also appointed head of the ZARM.
June 2013
A new ZARM management structure is temporarily established. The institute is now under the leadership of the three directors heading the major research branches at ZARM: space sciences (Prof. Claus Lämmerzahl), space technology (Prof. Claus Braxmaier) and fluid mechanics (Prof. Michael Dreyer). Prof. Claus Lämmerzahl is appointed Executive Director and Prof. Claus Braxmaier Deputy Executive Director of ZARM.
September 2012
ZARM mourns Director General Hans Rath who passed away following a short but severe illness at the age of 65. Prof. Claus Lämmerzahl is appointed Acting Director of ZARM and Director of ZARM Drop Tower Operation and Service Company.
August 2012
Prof. Claus Braxmaier is appointed Professor for Space Technologies at the University of Bremen. The Chair sponsored by Christa and Manfred Fuchs is located at the ZARM in the Department of Production Engineering.
March 2005
Inauguration and initial operation of the 30g centrifuge.
December 2004
Inauguration of the catapult system of the Drop Tower. First catapult flight was initiated by the Federal Minister of Education and Research Edelgard Bulmahn.
April 2004
Inauguration of the combustion laboratory building and initial operation of the Hot Wind Tunnel.
May 1997
Foundation of ZARM-Technik GmbH, a spin-off from ZARM for the commercialisation of space technology products and scientific and technical services. ZARM-Technik GmbH becomes the corporation ZARM-Technik AG in 2005.
September 1990
Foundation of the ZARM Drop Tower Operation and Service Company and inauguration of the Drop Tower by Hans J. Rath. Release of the first drop experiment by the Federal Minister of Education and Research Dr. Heinz Riesenhuber.
June 1989
Foundation of the „ZARM-Förderverein e.V.“ for the support of young scientists and students.
September 1985
Foundation of the Center of Applied Space Technology and Microgravity (ZARM) as a scientific unit (institute) of the Department of Production Engineering at the University of Bremen by Hans J. Rath.

Zarm founder
Hans J. Rath, founder of the Center of Applied Space Technology and Microgravity (ZARM) served as Director General from 1985 until his death in 2012. He was also Director General of the Drop Tower Operation and Service Company (ZARM FAB mbH), Chairman of the Supervisory Board of ZARM Technik AG and Deputy Chairman of the Supervisory Board of OHB Technology AG.
He was full professor for Mechanics and Fluid Mechanics, Space Technology and Microgravity at the University of Bremen, faculty of Production Engineering. His major research activities were on Microgravity Fluid Mechanics (experimental and theoretical studies), Combustion Science and Technology as well as Space Technology with 289 publications in international scientific journals and books.