Diagnostics of slightly turbulent premixed jet-flames (JF-ADL)

research area: combustion
experiment title:
Diagnostics of slightly turbulent premixed jet-flames
experiment acronym: JF-ADL
funding agency: DLR, DAAD
grant number: 50WM1125
performing organization:
ZARM, University of Bremen /
Joint Institute for High Temperature of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow
prime investigator: Christian Eigenbrod /
Anastasija Krikunova, Prof. Eduard Son
experiment objective
In a co-operation between the Moscow based Joint Institute for High Temperature of the Russian Academy of Sciences and ZARM gravity effects on premixed methane/ air jet flames were investigated in the low-turbulent flow regime with 600 < Re < 2500. The flame´s stoichiometry was varied between 0.75 < phi < 1.35. ZARM´s Advanced Disk Laser (ADL) was applied for the diagnosis of the flame. OH-PLIF (planar laser induced fluorescence) was performed exciting OH at 343.69 nm with 1000 p/s. In other experiments the ADL was used to apply PIV (particle image velocimetry)to the flame. Therefore the flame was exposed to 500 double pulses/ s with a pulse interval between 50 and 300 µs. The flame was seeded with ZrO2 particles of 5 µm. For both methods a two stage intensified Photron I2 camera of 1024 x 1024 pixels was used for signal acquisition.
During these experiments a newly developed gas-supply platform was used for the first time. This platform that can control up to four different gas flows (oxidizers and fuels) and one liquid fuel flow is available at ZARM for comparable experiments.
The experiments were supported by DLR and the DAAD.
experiment campaigns
experiment year: 2015
number of drops: 15