management and physics of turbulent bubble suspensions in microgravity (BubSus)
research area: fluid dynamics
experiment title:
Management and Physics of Turbulent Bubble Suspensions in Microgravity
experiment acronym: BubSus
funding agency: ESA
grant number: CORA - Program
performing organization:
Departament d’Estrucura i Constituents de la Matèria, Facultat de Física – Universitat de Barcelona, Spain
prime investigator: Prof. Dr. Jaume Casademunt
experiment objective
- Bubble management: To develop the capability to generate a virtually homogeneous monodisperse bubble suspension carried by a turbulent pipe flow where we control separately:
- the bubble size;
- the bubble mean separation; and
- the Reynolds number of the carrying flow.
- Physics of bubble turbulent flows: To have a first collection of data with the general aim to contribute to the understanding of bubble/turbulence interaction, long-time generation of large-scale structures in spatial bubble distribution and the statistics of bubble coalescence phenomena.
experimental setup
experiment campaigns
experiment year: 2011
number of drops: 19
experiment year: 2010
number of drops: 17