16.Jan.19 | Particle formation impacted by spray evolution in enclosed reactors Prof. Dr.-Ing. habil. Udo Fritsching |
30.Jan.19 | Microfluidic devices: design, technology, and applications Prof. Dr.-Ing. Michael J. Vellekoop |
03.Apr.19 | Direct numerical simulation of particulate flows: investigating finite-size effects Prof. Dr. Markus Uhlmann |
24.Apr.19 | Damping sloshing waves with confinement, foams, or contact angle hysteresis Dr. Benjamin Dollet |
08.May.19 | Drop breakup in turbulence Marc Avila |
22.May.19 | Flows past cylinders: Are the transitions between different flow regimes caused by a continuous evolution or by bifurcations? Prof. Matthias Heil |
12.Jun.19 | Sloshing experiments: from linear to nonlinear dynamics Dr. Kerstin Avila |
26.Jun.19 | The faraday flow - a benchmark experiment for turbulent dispersion and mixing Dr. Alexandra von Kameke |
08.Aug.19 | Impact of centrifugal buoyancy on strato-rotational instability Prof. Francisco Marques Truyol |
16.Oct.19 | The DLR reusability flight experiment – REFEX Dr. Peter Rickmers |
30.Oct.19 | Elasto inertial turbulence and the MDR state of polymer drag reduction Dr. Jose M. Lopez |
13.Nov.19 | Papell - Ferrofluidmanipulation on the ISS M.Sc. Manfred Ehresmann |
27.Nov.19 | Closed cycles to mars mission Dr. Christophe Lasseur |
04.Dec.19 | The "Flugtechnische Vereinigung Henrich Focke e.V.", the association´s work and student training Christian Eigenbrod |