press releases

Die Preisverleihung 2024.

Friends of ZARM Award


The call for nominations for the "Friends of ZARM Award 2025" is open. The award is accompanied by a grant and seeks to encourage university students to continue their work in space related fields of research.more

Copyright: DLR

German Space Day 2025


Update: Event is fully booked! ZARM is on board for the "German Space Day" on March 29, 2025. As part of our outreach activities, the general public can register now for a free tour of the Bremen Drop Tower.more

CanSat Auftakt-Veranstaltung 2024 im ZARM.

CanSat 2025: Eleven years of innovative spirit! The winners are...


School students present their self-built mini satellites at the 11th German CanSat competition, taking place from 3 to 7 March 2025 in Bremen, Germany. more

Copyright: Universität Bremen / Joris Wegener

Millions in Funding for Space Research


The Bremen Senate approved an EU ERDF grant of 3.7 million euros with which the Center for Applied Space Technology and Microgravity (ZARM) will build a Mars laboratory.more

In the future, they will jointly lead the Center of Applied Space Technology and Microgravity (ZARM) at the University of Bremen: Marc Avila and Katharina Brinkert. © Universität Bremen/ Annemarie Popp

ZARM has a new dual leadership team


The Center of Applied Space Technology and Microgravity (ZARM) has now a dual leadership team. Together with Professor Marc Avila, Professor Katharina Brinkert is now serving as the director of the institute.more

ZARM and the "Humans on Mars" initiative exhibit their latest research projects at their joint booth at the Space Tech Expo Europe trade fair. Copyright: ZARM, University of Bremen

ZARM and the University of Bremen at the Space Tech Expo Europe 2024


From November 19 to 21, ZARM and “Humans on Mars” initiative of the University of Bremen will showcase their latest advancements in human space exploration research. Participants are invited to the offical joint booth opening...more

University President Professor Jutta Günther and Mayor Andreas Bovenschulte. © Annemarie Popp / Universität Bremen

Mayor Bovenschulte visits University of Bremen


The occasion was the latest developments in the Excellence Strategy funding competition organized by the German federal and state governments. The focus was also on the newly applied for Cluster of Excellence "The Martian...more

Die Final-Teams aus den vergangenen Jahren. Quelle: ZARM, Universität Bremen
Nach sechs-monatiger Konstruktionszeit wird das Experiment für den Flug im Fallturm vorbereitet. Quelle: ZARM, Universität Bremen
Um das Experiment unter Schwerelosigkeit beobachten zu können, müssen Kameras und Messinstrumente um die Apparatur herum angebracht werden. Quelle: ZARM, Universität Bremen

DroPS school competition enters its 10th round


For the 10th time, we are inviting all secondary school students in Bremen and the surrounding area to submit their best idea for their own experiment in the drop tower. The deadline for proposals is November 17, 2024 and the...more

Die GRACE-Satellitenmission im Modell. Quelle: ZARM, Universität Bremen
Mit einer VR-Brille das Innere einer Forschungsstation auf dem Mars hautnah erleben. Quelle: ZARM, Universität Bremen
Ozobot-Roboter erkunden den Mars. Quelle: ZARM, Universität Bremen

ZARM at the Explore Science 2024


From 5 to 7 September, 2024, the Klaus Tschira Foundation's science festival attracted numerous visitors. School kids, teens, teachers and families took the opportunity to discover the topic of ‘Climate & Environment’ at exciting...more

Dr. Cyprien Verseux from the Center of Applied Space Technology and Microgravity (ZARM) at the University of Bremen has been awarded the prestigious ERC Starting Grant for early career researchers. Photo: Patrick Pollmeier / Universität Bremen
ERC Starting Grant recipient Dr. Cyprien Verseux (left) and PhD student Tiago Ramalho work on Atmos (Atmosphere Tester for Mars-bound Organic Systems), a machine developed in Verseux's laboratory for cultivating cyanobacteria under artificial atmospheres. Photo: Patrick Pollmeier / Universität Bremen

Prestigious ERC Starting Grant for Astrobiologist Cyprien Verseux


Astrobiologist and ZARM scientist Dr. Cyprien Verseux has been awarded the European Research Council's prestigious Starting Grant. For five years, he will be able to pursue a cutting-edge research project with 1.56 million euros.more

The PhD committee (from left to right): Patrick Keuchel, research scientist at ZARM; Philipp Schlatter, Chair of Fluid Mechanics at FAU Erlangen-Nürnberg; Daniel Morón, research scientist at ZARM; ZARM Director Marc Avila, Chair of Fluid Mechanics at University of Bremen; IWT Director Lutz Mädler, Professor of Production Engineering at University of Bremen; Miguel Pérez Encinar, visiting professor at Universidad Carlos III de Madrid.

Congratulations to Daniel Morón on his PhD


The transitional regime of pulsatile pipe flow is the research area in which Daniel Morón successfully completed his doctoral thesis.more

Researchers at the University of Bremen are pursuing the goal of developing a paradigm of sustainability that focuses on resource scarcity: the Mars perspective. © Universität Bremen / Joris Wegner;

University of Bremen submits two excellence cluster applications


“The Martian Mindset: A Scarcity-Driven Engineering Paradigm”, which was successful in the first stage in February, has now been submitted as a full proposal.more

NASA astronaut Randy Bresnik is seen inside the Vehicle Assemby Building at NASA's Kennedy Space Center in Florida. Source: NASA/Joel Kowsky
Chris Birch is officially introduced as one out of 10 new NASA astronaut candidates. Source: NASA/James Blair
The Artemis I Space Launch System (SLS) and Orion spacecraft, atop the mobile launcher at NASA’s Kennedy Space Center in Florida. Source: NASA/Ben Smegelsky

NASA Astronauts visit the University of Bremen


On August 22, 2024 at 3 pm NASA astronauts Randy Bresnik and Chris Burch will give a talk at the University of Bremen. ZARM is pleased to invite students, young professionals and all enthusiats of Bremen's space community to this...more

Die Mini-Satelliten im Dosenformat bevor sie in die Rakete eingebaut werden. Quelle: CC-Germany-Himmelrenner

Call for the 11th German CanSat Competition: Young talents wanted!


We are calling all school students aged 14 and over to design and build their own mini-satellites. The CanSat competition offers the unique opportunity to experience your own space mission at first hand and to expand your skills...more

AI-generated picture shows a fire on a spacecraft.
The image shows an ignited acrylic glass sheet during a microgravity experiment in the Drop Tower Bremen (left: sideview; right: front view).

Increased fire risk during astronautic space missions


A recent study shows that fires on future space exploration missions could spread much faster than on the International Space Station.more

Sesha N. C. Govindan

Successful PhD Defense of Sesha Govindan


We congratulate on the completion of his PhD on "Investigation of interface stability during the filling of liquid into a tank under reduced gravity"more

Die Schulteams bringen ihre Experimentaufbauten in den Fallturm. Quelle: ZARM, Universität Bremen.
Das Team der ISB Bremen. Quelle: ZARM, Universität Bremen.
Das Experiment der Grundschule am Pulverberg. Quelle: ZARM, Universität Bremen.

Mini researchers in the drop tower


The DroPS school competition reached its grand finale on 17 June 2024. Three school teams tested their experiments in weightlessness.more

GRACE-FO Mission, Artistic Rendering (Copyright: NASA/JPL-Caltech)

New method for reconstructing satellite data


Researchers from ZARM and DLR have developed a new method for recovering faulty acceleration data from a satellite of the GRACE Follow-On mission.more

Mayor Dr. Andreas Bovenschulte, Prof. Dr. Jutta Günther, President of the University of Bremen, and Kathrin Moosdorf, Senator for the Environment, Climate, and Science. Copyright: Senatspressestelle Bremen
The Excellence Cluster team of the proposal "The Martian Mindset: A Scarcity-Driven Engineering Paradigm". Copyright: University of Bremen

University of Bremen Excellence Cluster Teams Visit the City Hall


Mayor Dr. Andreas Bovenschulte and Kathrin Moosdorf, Senator for the Environment, Climate, and Science, honored the work of the Excellence Cluster teams at the University of Bremen at a senate reception. more

Das Team "Larry's Pitstop Crew" hat den ersten Platz bei der ZARM-Challenge belegt und nimmt die Urkunde von Herrn Brandt entgegen.
Gruppenfoto aller Teilnehmenden, Lehrkräfte und Organisator:innen der diesjährigen Challenge.

Gymnasium Horn wins first ZARM Challenge!


The pupils of Gymnasium Horn win the first ZARM Challenge. They were awarded the prize on 24 May.more

Image generated with Chat-GPT using the prompt „Create a picture of a satellite in earth orbit connected via a laser beam to a ground station. There is a quantum memory on the satellite as well as on the ground station. They are in an entangled quantum state.“  Copyright: Dennis Rätzel / ZARM, University of Bremen

Photons and quantum memories in the Earth's gravitational field


New study to investigate the entanglement dynamics of photon pairs and quantum memories under the influence of the Earth's gravitational fieldmore

Fantasy image of a fuel station in space - generated by an AI

The heart of space missions: Propulsion


Successful handling of cryogenic propellants and refuelling in space are essential requirements for future space explorationmore

Das Highlight des Wettbewerbes ist der Raketenstart der CanSats. Quelle: CC DLR/Timm Bourry

10th German CanSat Competition


Ten years of scientific ambition and innovation will take center stage when nine school teams from all over Germany present their self-built mini-satellites to the public at the 10th German CanSat Competition from March 11 to 15,...more

ZARM Wissenschaftler Dr. Benny Rievers, ZARM Institutsdirektor Prof. Dr. Marc Avila, Wissenschaftssenatorin Kathrin Moosdorf, Staatsrätin Irene Strebl, Rektorin der Universität Bremen, Prof. Dr. Jutta Günther und ZARM Chief Financial Officer Peter von Kampen (v.l.n.r.). Quelle: ZARM, Universität Bremen
Einblicke in die Fallröhre des Fallturm Bremen. Quelle: ZARM, Universität Bremen
Besichtigung des MaMBA Forschungsmoduls, konzipiert für den Einsatz auf dem Mars. Quelle: ZARM, Universität Bremen

Inaugural visit by Senator for Science Kathrin Moosdorf


It was a very inspiring visit by the Senator for Science together with her team to get to know ZARM, its unique laboratories and outstanding research - especially the projects in the field of exploration research. more

These Mission Patches will be available at OPEN ZARM!
Get the chance to step inside the drop tube of the Bremen Drop Tower!
PDF file of the layout plan for the tour of ZARM

OPEN ZARM: The Bremen Drop Tower opens its doors!


Join us on Sunday, 11 February 2024 between 11 am and 5 pm to see our laboratories and research in action. Big or small, there is something to discover for everyone. more

© Universität Bremen / Joris Wegner; Researchers at the University of Bremen are pursuing the goal of developing a paradigm of sustainability that focuses on resource scarcity: the Mars perspective. They have been invited by the DFG to submit a full proposal for their draft "The Martian Mindset: A Scarcity-Driven Engineering Paradigm".

Bremen Materials Science Team Clears First Hurdle on the Way to Excellence Funding


"The Martian Mindset" has been invited by the German Research Foundation (DFG) to submit a full proposal.more

Scientists and Drop Tower engineers involved in the 10,000th experiment celebrating the milestone.
ZARM-Team recovering the experiment capsule from the deceleration unit.

10,000th experiment in the Bremen Drop Tower


To celebrate this success, ZARM is hosting the OPEN ZARM - an open doors event on February 11, 2024. more

MAIUS 2: The sounding rocket is being prepared for the launch. Copyright MAIUS Mission

Ultracold atoms in weightlessness


Highly complex experiment on MAIUS-2 sounding rocket drives quantum research.more

Copyright: ZARM, University of Bremen

Meet us at the Space Tech Expo Europe!


From 14 to 16 November 2023, ZARM will be exhibiting at Space Tech Expo Europe. At a joint booth with the "Humans on Mars" initiative of the University of Bremen and the ZARM Technik AG, our engineers and scientists will be on...more

Jan-Menno Memmen (ZARM, University of Bremen)

Successful PhD defense for Jan-Menno Memmen


The ZARM scientist conducted his research in the working group of theoretical gravitational physics.more

Sandro Gödtel (ZARM, University of Bremen)

Congratulations to Sandro Gödtel on finishing his PhD!


The ZARM scientist completed his doctoral thesis in the research field of gravitational physics.more

Das Mädchen-Team bei der Integration des Flüssigkeitsbehälters in das Schallwellen-Experiment, um erste Testläufe zu absolvieren. Quelle: ZARM, Universität Bremen
Das Team der IGS Osterholz-Scharmbeck verkabelt den Microcontroller für den Öl-Tensid-Versuchsaufbau. Quelle: ZARM, Universität Bremen

Hands-on learning in weightlessness


After six months of intensive pondering, tinkering and trial and error, two school teams will be rewarded on June 23, 2023: with their experiment in the real large Bremen Drop Tower under reduced gravity conditions. This is made...more

ZARM Wissenschafler Dr. Benny Rievers und Heinz Brandt von der Stiftung Bremer Wertpapierbörse (1. und 2. v. r.) zusammen mit den Vertreter:innen der beteiligten Schulen und Forschungsinstitute. Quelle: ZARM, Universität Bremen
Schulpraktikantinnen programmieren Lego-Mindstorms-Rover für eine Mars-Mission. Quelle: ZARM, Universität Bremen

Taking science to schools: New STEM cooperation is launched in Bremen


More school internships and a challenge as part of the curriculum - six Bremen schools and three research institutes are committed to promote STEM to school students through a coordinated program.more

Copyright: United Nations Office for Outer Space Affairs

All-female team selected for DropTes


Students from the Universidad de Antioquia of Colombia gain the opportunity for microgravity experiments in the Bremen Drop Tower through the UN-Fellowship program DropTes. more

The CanSats include all the major subsystems found in a satellite, such as power, sensors and a communication system, but also a parachute for a soft landing after the launch. Copyright: ESERO Germany (CC BY 3.0 DE)

School teams launch their mini satellites


For the final week of the CanSat competition, eight school teams from all over Germany will come together from March 13-17, 2023, to launch their handmade mini satellites with the size of a soda can.more

Ferrofluids in action. Copyright: ZARM / University of Bremen
Check out Thomas' Poster, showing possible applications of ferrofluids on a Mars mission. Copyright: ZARM / University of Bremen

Producing ferrofluids on Mars?


ZARM researcher Thomas Imhülse succeeded in creating a ferrofluid out of algae oil and magnetite, which could be extracted from Martian soil. Why? Ferrofluids have a very wide range of potential in space missions.more

Rendering of a droplet breaking up in turbulence
ZARM scientist Alberto Vela-Martín

Infinite creaminess – the disintegration of drops has no limit


ZARM scientists have developed a computer code that enables accurate predictions of the disintegration of droplets in turbulent flows.more

The Mayor is allowed to initiate an experiment in weightlessness
Christiane Heinicke invites the mayor into the mock-up of her Mars habitat

Mayor of Bremen visits ZARM


On Nov 23, 2022, ZARM Director Marc Avila had the honour to present the institute's space exploration research to the Mayor of Bremen Andreas Bovenschulte and introduce him to the initiative “Humans on Mars” of the University of...more

Simulation of a paticle-loaded jet stream with low and high wall roughness.

The perfect jet spray and what it depends on


What happens inside a spray nozzle of a spray head during a long spraying process and why does the spray jet suddenly drip and spill? ZARM scientists publish their findings.more

Illustration of a photobioreactor as part of a biological life support system for a Mars habitat. (Copyright: Joris Wegner / ZARM, Universität Bremen)

A testbed for bioregenerative life support systems


Model habitat at ZARM enables long-term tests for life support systems to be used on Moon and Mars.more

Pulsar and Black Hole / Copyright Ralph Eatough/MPIfR

Black holes recalculated


Based on Einstein's theory, ZARM scientists were able to mathematically prove that with the help of a pulsar the rotation of a black hole can be calculated even more precisely than before. more

The ZARM at night: Bremen plays an important role in basic research and the development of technologies for space missions and microgravity experiments, making it a suitable host for the Astronomical Society’s 2022 Annual Meeting.

From Bremen to the Stars: Astronomical Society Annual Meeting


From September 12 to 16, the University of Bremen is hosting the Annual Meeting of the German Astronomical Society – AG (Astronomische Gesellschaft). Under the theme “Astronomy from Ground to Space,” participants will discuss the...more

In a parabolic flight, researchers from the Center of Applied Space Technology and Microgravity (ZARM) at the University of Bremen want to test a concept for the filling and transfer of liquid propellants in microgravity. Credit: DLR/Xiomara Bender

ZARM scientists onboard of the 39th parabolic flight


Refueling an aircraft in the air is nothing new. But how can we perform this maneuver in space under microgravity? Future long-term exploration missions will require a concept for propellant filling-stations.more

Graphic of the plans for the ERIS buildings (copyright: R. Waclavicek, LSG)

Bremen expertise in exploration research in high demand


ZARM plays a key role in the conception of a large-scale research facility for the extraction and processing of raw materials on the Moonmore

Ömer Akay and Katharina Brinkert working on the experiment set up at ZARM

New system for oxygen extraction in weightlessness


Drop tower experiment proves that magnets can provide a simpler method of oxygen provision for astronautsmore

Smiles all round for winning the DLR Design Challenge: Florian Meyer, Christian Eigenbrod, and Lutz Mädler (from left) at the presentation ceremony in Berlin. © IWT

DLR Design Challenge Has Been Won: Smoke Detector “Sniffs out” Causes of Fire


A smoke detector that can “sniff out” causes of fire before it breaks out: A team from the university’s Center of Applied Space Technology and Microgravity (ZARM) has now won a prize in a major innovation competition.more

© Joris Wegner / Universität Bremen.
Using interdisciplinary research to develop entirely new solutions for life and survival on Mars – that is the approach of the “Humans on Mars” initiative of the University of Bremen and its partners.

Humans on Mars: Pathways Toward Sustainable Settlement


Is sustainable human exploration of Mars possible? How will humans affect the new environment? Around 60 researchers from the University of Bremen and other institutes are investigating these questions as part of an initiative. more

Implementing the experiment set-up.
Implementing the experiment set-up.
Teams of the International School Bremen and the DLR_School_Lab. (ⒸDLR)

Hands-on space: school teams experimenting in the Drop Tower


The Drop Tower Project for School Students (DroPS) is an annual competition with the aim of getting young people excited about science and technology during their school education. more

Official presentation of the GraviTower Bremen Pro


ZARM's new high-performance laboratory was formally presented to the public for the first time. Rewatch the hybrid event from 14. June 2022.more

ZARM now on LinkedIn


The time has come – ZARM is now also present on @LinkedIn and we are looking forward to networking with you. Get ready for new insights into our labs and the work of our scientists. more

The experimental set-up is only as small as a beverage can.

School Students Build their own Mini Satellites


Live event on April 5th, 2022: For the eighth time, students in Bremen will use a rocket to launch their selfmade mini satellites to an altitude of one kilometer. more

Combustion process of oxygen droplet in microgravity

Like Fire and Ice


Hydrogen and oxygen are the holy grail of rocket engines, but how do they burn? ZARM scientists used experiments in weightlessness to simplify the complex spray combustion process and found out that a layer of ice forms around...more

© University of Bremen; Previous approaches to the description of the molecular diameter
© University of Bremen; Mass flow in microchannels as a function of the scale range of the free molecular path length
© University of Bremen; Scale range of the average free molecular path length

More exact measurement of gas molecules


Scientists from the University of Bremen have developed a new method to determine the diameter of molecules in rarefied gasesmore

Integration of the fuel tank
Test pilot Oliver Seack (higher resolution available)

Cancelled: First lift off for students' aircraft


Cancellation: Ultralight aircraft ZODIAC CH601 XL will not take off from the airfield Rotenburg/Wümme on Saturday, 4th December 2021 at 12 o'clock for its official maiden flightmore

Interview situation with Dr. Katharina Brinkert

New field of research at ZARM


The new research group in the field of space exploration is investigating how oxygen and hydrogen can be produced in microgravity using sunlight.more

Participants of last year's DroPS observe the integration of their experiment capsule.

DroPS 7.0 - School students' experiments are starting into the next round!


The DroPS Brainstorming Workshop starts on 16 November 2021 - Join in now! more

Analog astronauts during an extravehicular activity in the Negev Desert; the Mars habitat. Source: AMADEE-20/ Florian Voggeneder

Uni Bremen involved in AMADEE-20 Mars Simulation


Not on Mars but at the simulated Mars mission in the Israeli Negev Desert, scientists of the Uni Bremen carried out two projects that focussed on the team performance of the crews and the design of airlocks for habitats.more

Nobel Prize for Black Holes


Within the last four years the Nobel Prize was awarded to gravitational physics three times - a proof of the great impact of this field of research.more

Start of the NG-14 from Wallops Island, Virginia, USA.
Acrylic sample is being integrated in the SAFFIRE V module

Ready for ignition


Lift off for the Antares rocket on October 3, 2020. Also on board: an experiment on fire safety in human space flight designed by ZARM.more

All set for the free fall! School teams test their experiments at ZARM


On 29 May 2019, ZARM was occupied by school students. On occasion of the "DroPs" outreach project, three Bremen school teams "dropped" their own experiments in the drop tower - like real scientists. more

Vorbereitungen zum Start der MAIUS-1 Höhenforschungsrakete am Esrange Space Center im nordschwedischen Kiruna. Der erfolgreiche Flug erfolgte am 23. Januar 2017. 
Quelle: Thomas Schleuss

Bose-Einstein condensates created in space


The first creation of a Bose-Einstein condensate in space is reported this week in Nature. ZARM scientists were involved in the MAIUS-1 mission, a poineering sounding-rocket experiment in the field of fundamental physics.more

MICROSCOPE satellite, Copyright: CNES

Einstein still knows best


MICROSCOPE satellite mission proves with unmatched accuracy that the equivalence principle, a basic assumption of Einstein's Theory of General Relativity, is still valid. ONERA, OCA and ZARM scientists were the first to analyse...more
