At ZARM, we conduct research for space and under space conditions, because space science and technologies play an important role in our day-to-day lives. But before anything can be used in everyday life, fundamental research must pave the way. These are our main research areas:
Fluid flows are ubiquitous in engineering and nature but accurate predictions of their behavior remain elusive despite centuries of research. In our department we investigate the dynamics of fluids by combining theory, computer simulations and laboratory experiments under terrestrial and microgravity conditions. Our focal points are turbulent and multiphase flows, as well as ignition, combustion synthesis, acoustics and propulsion systems. We apply the knowledge gained from our fundamental research in these areas to control, optimize and develop new technical processes. Of special interest here are applications in aerospace engineering, such as cryogenic liquids found in the upper stages of rocket launchers or gas turbines. more...

In the research field of exploration, a working group is dedicated to the design and construction of a Moon and Mars habitat, conceived as a research station that could withstand the harsh environmental conditions and allow a survival. A second working group follows the approach of combining the disciplines of fluid mechanics and thermodynamics in order to better understand the physical processes of fluid flows and heat transport and to bridge fundamental studies and engineering applications.more...
The researchers of the space sciences department are interested in the investigation of general principles underlying physical theories by means of earthbound and space experiments. Their main focus is on the basic principles of quantum mechanics and general relativity, in particular testing the universality of free fall that lies at the heart of General Relativity since it allows interpreting the inertial and gravitational forces entirely in terms of the geometry of space and time. more...
The department of space technologies focuses on the development of key technologies for future satellite missions. The researchers are involved in feasibility studies, the design of experimental laboratories as well as in the development of engineering models. Main cooperation partners are the DLR-Institute for Space Systems and partners from industry. more...