Pre-prints (papers under review)
Peer-reviewed publications
- A. Simonini, M. Dreyer, A. Urbano, F. Sanfedino, T. Himeno, P. Behruzi, M. Avila, J. Pinho, L. Peveroni and J.-B. Gouriet. Cryogenic propellant management in space: open challenges and perspectives. npj Microgravity 10, Article 34.
- T.P. Ramalho, V. Baumgartner, N. Kunst, D. Rodrigues, E. Bohuon, B. Leroy, G. Pillot, C. Heinicke, S. Kerzenmacher, M. Avila and C. Verseux. Resource-efficiency of cyanobacterium production on Mars: Assessment and paths forward. Algal Research, Vol. 84
- A. Vela-Martín and M. Avila. Large-scale patterns set the predictability limit of extreme events in Kolmogorov flow. Journal of Fluid Mechanics , Volume 986, A2
- D. Morón, A. Vela-Martín and M. Avila. Predictability of decay events in transitional wall-bounded flows. Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 2024
- Daniel Morón and Marc Avila. "Turbulent puffs in transitional pulsatile pipe flow at moderate pulsation amplitudes". Physical Review Fluids (Vol. 9, No. 2 - in the 1 February 2024 issue)
- D. Feldmann, D. Borrero-Echeverry, M.J. Burin, K. Avila and M. Avila. Routes to turbulence in Taylor-Couette flow. Philos. Trans. Royal Soc. A, 38:20220114
- DT. Schikarski, H. Trzenschiok, M. Avila and W. Peukert. Impact of solvent properties on the precipitation of active pharmaceutical ingredients. Pow. Tech., 415:118032.
- M. Avila, D. Barkley and B. Hof. Transition to turbulence in pipe flow. Annu. Rev. Fluid Mech., 55:575-602.
- A. Vela-Martín and M. Avila. Memoryless drop breakup in turbulence. Sci. Adv., 8:abp9561
- D. Morón, D. Feldmann and M. Avila. Effect of waveform on turbulence transition in pulsatile pipe flow. J. Fluid Mech., 948:A20.
- S.C. Endres, M. Avila and L. Mädler. A discrete differential geometric formulation of multiphase surface interfaces for scalable multiphysics equilibrium simulations. Chem. Eng. Sci., 257, 117681.
- F. Meyer, C. Eigenbrod, V. Wagner, W. Paa, J.C. Hermanson, S. Ando and M. Avila. Oxygen droplet combustion in hydrogen under microgravity conditions. Combustion and Flame, 241, 112081.
- T. Schikarski, M. Avila, H. Trzenschiok, A. Güldenpfennig and W. Peukert. Quantitative modeling of precipitation processes. Chem. Eng. J., 443:136195.
- H. Li, A. Fischer, M. Avila and D. Xu. Measurement error of tracer-based velocimetry in single-phase turbulent flows with inhomogeneous refractive indices. Exp. Therm. Fluid Sci., 136:110681.
- A. Vela-Martín. The energy cascade as the origin of intense events in small-scale turbulence. J. Fluid Mech., 937:A13
- A. Vela-Martín. Subgrid-scale models of isotropic turbulence need not produce energy backscatter. J. Fluid Mech., 937:A14
- T. Schikarski, M. Avila and W. Peukert. En route towards a comprehensive dimensionless representation of precipitation processes. Chem. Eng. J., 428:131984.
- A. Vela-Martín and M. Avila. Deformation of drops by outer eddies in turbulence. J. Fluid Mech., 929:A38.
- H. Li, M. Avila and D. Xu. A single-camera synthetic Schlieren method for the measurement of free liquid surfaces. Exp. Fluids, 62:227.
- S. Gasow, A. V. Kuznetsov, M. Avila and Y. Jin. A macroscopic two-length-scale model for natural convection in porous media driven by a species-concentration gradient. Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 926, A8.
- C. Plana, B. Song and M. Avila. Direct numerical simulation of two-phase pipe flow:influence of the domain length on the flow regime. Int. J. Multiph. Flow, 144:103786.
- J. Tielke, M. Maas, M. Castillo, K. Rezwan and M. Avila. Statistical analysis of thermal conductivity experimentally measured in water-based nanofluids. The Royal Society A, 477, 2250.
- A. Vela-Martín. The synchronisation of intense vorticity in isotropic turbulence. Journal of Fluid Mechanics , 913 , R8.
- C. Verseux, C. Heinicke, T. P. Ramalho, J. Determann, M. Duckhorn, M. Smagin and M. Avila. A low-pressure, N2/CO2 atmosphere is suitable for cyanobacterium-based lifesupport systems on Mars. Front. Microbiol., 12:611798
- D. Feldmann, D. Morón and M. Avila. Spatiotemporal intermittency in pulsatile pipe flow. Entropy, 23:46.
- D. Xu, B. Song & M. Avila, `Non-modal transient growth of disturbances in pulsatile and oscillatory pipe flow', Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 907, R5.
- D. Xu, M. Heil, T. Seeböck and M. Avila. Resonances in pulsatile channel flow with an
elastic wall. Phys. Rev. Lett., 125:254501
- C. Heinicke, L. Orzechowski and M. Avila. The MaMBA-concept for an extraterrestrial
base and its first module mock-up. Acta Astronaut., 173:404–413.
- D. Xu, A. Varshney, X. Ma, B. Song, M. Riedl, M. Avila & B. Hof, `Nonlinear hydrodynamic instability and turbulence in pulsatile flow', Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 117, 11233.
- S. Gasow, Z. Lin, H. Zhang, A. Kuznetsov, M. Avila & Y. Jin `Effects of pore scale on the macroscopic properties of natural convection in porous media', Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 891, A25.
- J.M. López, D. Feldmann, M. Rampp, A. Vela-Martín, L. Shi & M. Avila `nsCouette – A high-performance code for direct numerical simulations of turbulent Taylor–Couette flow', SoftwareX, 11, 100395.
- F. Wein, N. Chen, N. Iqbal, M. Stingl & M. Avila `Topology optimization of unsaturated flows in multi-material porous media: Application to a simple diaper model', Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation, 78, 104871.
- B. Song, C. Plana, J. M. Lopez & M. Avila `Phase-field simulation of core-annular pipe flow', International Journal of Multiphase Flow, 117, 14-24.
- T. Schikarski, H. Trzenschiok, W. Peukert and M. Avila `Inflow boundary conditions determine T-mixer efficiency', Reaction Chemistry & Engineering, 3, 559-568.
- T. Schikarski, H. Trzenschiok, M. Avila & W. Peukert `The influence of mixing on the precipitation of organic nanoparticles: A Lagrangian perspective on scale-up based on self-similar distributions', Chemical Engineering Technology.
- D. Xu & M. Avila `The effect of pulsation frequency on transition in pulsatile pipe flow', Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 857, 937-951.
- D. Feldmann, C. Bauer & C. Wagner `Computational domain length and Reynolds number effects on large-scale coherent motions in turbulent pipe flow', Journal of Turbulence, 19, 274-295.
- D. Feldmann & M. Avila `Overdamped large-eddy simulations of turbulent pipe flow up to Reτ=1500', Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 1001, 012016.
- J. Kühnen, B. Song, D. Scarselli, N. B. Budanur, A. P. Willis, M. Avila & B. Hof `Destabilizing turbulence in pipe flow', Nature Physics, 14, 386-390.
- G. Mamatsashvil, F. Stefani, A. Guseva & M. Avila `Quasi-two-dimensional nonlinear evolution of helical magnetorotational instability in a magnetized Taylor-Couette flow', New Journal of Physics, 20, 013012
- P. Ritter, S. Zammert, B. Song, B. Eckhardt & M. Avila `Analysis and modeling of localized invariant solutions in pipe flow', Phys. Rev. Fluids, 3, 013901
- C. Bauer, D. Feldmann & C. Wagner `On the convergence and scaling of high-order statistical moments in turbulent pipe flow using direct numerical simulations', Physics of Fluids, 29:125105.
- A. Guseva, A. P. Willis, R. Hollerbach & M. Avila `Transport properties of the azimuthal magnetorotational instability', The Astrophysical Journal, 849, 92.
- A. Guseva, A. P. Willis, R. Hollerbach & M. Avila `Dynamo action in a Quasi-Keplerian Taylor-Couette flow', Physical Review Letters, 119, 164501.
- A. Guseva, R. Hollerbach, A. P. Willis & M. Avila `Azimuthal magnetorotational instability at low and high magnetic Prandtl numbers', Magnetohydrodynamics, 53, 25-34.
- T. Schikarski, W. Peukert & M. Avila `Direct numerical simulation of water-ethanol flows in a T-mixer', Chemical Engineering Journal, 324, 168-181.
- L. Shi, B. Hof, M. Rampp & M. Avila `Hydrodynamic turbulence in quasi-Keplerian rotating flows', Physics of Fluids, 29, 044107.
- J. M. Lopez & M. Avila `Boundary-layer turbulence in experiments on quasi-Keplerian flows', Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 817, 21-34.
- B. Song, D. Barkley, B. Hof & M. Avila `Speed and structure of turbulent fronts in pipe flow', Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 813, 1045-1059.
- P. Ritter, F. Mellibovsky & M. Avila `Emergence of spatio-temporal dynamics from exact coherent solutions in pipe flow', New Journal of Physics, 18, 083031
- G. Lemóult, L. Shi, K. Avila, S.V. Jalikop, M. Avila & B. Hof `Directed percolation phase transition to sustained turbulence in Couette flow', Nature Physics, 12, 254-258.
Publications from 2015 and before are from the Avila group at the Lehrstuhl fur Strömungsmechanik (LSTM), at the Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg (FAU).
- D. Barkley, B. Song, V. Mukund, G. Lemoult, M. Avila & B. Hof `The rise of fully turbulent flow', Nature, 526, 550-553.
- A. Guseva, A.P. Willis, R. Hollerbach & M Avila `Transition to magnetorotational turbulence in Taylor–Couette flow with imposed azimuthal magnetic field,' New Journal of Physics, 17, 093018.
- J.M. Lopez, F. Marques & M. Avila`Conductive and convective heat transfer in fluid flows between differentially heated and rotating cylinders,' International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 90, 959–967.
- L. Shi, M. Rampp, B. Hof & M. Avila `A Hybrid MPI-OpenMP Parallel Implementation for pseudospectral simulations with application to Taylor-Couette Flow,' Computer & Fluids 106, 1-11.
- S. Maretzke, B. Hof & M. Avila`Transient growth in linearly stable Taylor-Couette flows,'
Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 742, 254-290.
- J.M. Lopez, F. Marques & M. Avila `The Boussinesq approximation in rapidly rotating flows,'
Journal of Fluid Mechanics 737, 56-77. - M. Avila & B. Hof `On the nature of laminar-turbulence intermittency in shear flows,' Physical Review E 87(6), 063012.
- M. Avila, F. Mellibovsky, N. Roland & B. Hof `Streamwise-localized solutions at the onset of turbulence in pipe flow,'
Physical Review Letters 110(22), 224502. - L. Shi, M. Avila & B. Hof `Scale invariance at the onset of turbulence in Couette flow,'
Physical Review Letters 110(20), 204502. - M. Holzner, B. Song, M. Avila, B. Hof `Lagrangian approach to laminar–turbulent interfaces in transitional pipe flow,'
Journal of Fluid Mechanics 723, 140-162. - A.P. Willis, P. Cvitanovic & M. Avila `Revealing the state space of turbulent pipe flow by symmetry reduction,'
Journal of Fluid Mechanics 721, 514-540.
- A. de Lozar, F. Mellibovsky, M. Avila & B. Hof `Edge state in pipe flow experiments,'
Physical Review Letters 108(21), 214502. - M. Avila `Stability and angular-momentum transport of fluid flows between corotating cylinders,'
Physical Review Letters 108(12), 124501.
Papers before 2012 are from Prof. Avila before joining the FAU.
- K. Avila, D. Moxey, A. de Lozar, M. Avila, D. Barkley & B. Hof `The onset of turbulence in pipe flow,'
Science 333(6039), 192-196.
See also the Perspective by B. Eckhardt `A critical point for turbulence,'Science 333(6039), 165-166. - B. Hof, A. de Lozar, M. Avila, X. Tu & T.M. Schneider `Eliminating turbulence in spatially intermittent flows,'
Science 327(5972), 1491-1494.
See also the Perspective by B.J. McKeon `Controlling Turbulence,'Science 327(5972), 1462-1463. - M. Avila, A.P. Willis & B. Hof `On the transient nature of localized pipe flow turbulence,'
Journal of Fluid Mechanics 646, 127-136.
- J.M. Lopez, F. Marques, A. Rubio,& M. Avila `Crossflow instability of finite Bodewadt flows: transients and spiral waves,'
Physics of Fluids 21(11), 114107. - A. Meseguer, F. Mellibovsky, M. Avila & F. Marques `Instability mechanisms and transition scenarios of spiral turbulence in Taylor-Couette flow,' Physical Review E 80(4), 046315.
- A. Meseguer, F. Mellibovsky, M. Avila & F. Marques `Families of subcritical spirals in highly counter-rotating Taylor-Couette flow,' Physical Review E 79(3), 036309.
- M. Avila, M. Grimes, J.M Lopez & F. Marques `Global endwall effects on centrifugally stable flows,'
Physics of Fluids 20(10), 104104. - M. Avila, M.J. Belisle, J.M. Lopez, F. Marques & W.S. Saric `Mode competition in modulated Taylor-Couette flow,'
Journal of Fluid Mechanics 601, 381-406. - M. Avila, F. Marques, J.M. Lopez & A. Meseguer `Stability control and catastrophic transition in a forced Taylor-Couette system,' Journal of Fluid Mechanics 590, 471-496.
- A. Meseguer, M. Avila, F. Mellibovsky & F. Marques `Solenoidal spectral formulations for the computation of secondary flows in cylindrical and annular geometries,' European Physics Journal: Special Topics 146, 249-259.
- M. Avila, A. Meseguer & F. Marques `Double Hopf bifurcation in co-rotating spiral Poiseuille flow,'
Physics of Fluids 18(6), 064101.