Dr. Shokoufe Faraji

ZARM, University of Bremen
Am Fallturm
28359 Bremen
+49 421 218 - 99984 / - 57846
Scientific Interests
- Black holes (Mathematics and astrophysics perspectives), Accretion disks, Cosmology, Dark Energy, Dark Matter;
- Quantum Field Theory, Lorentz Violation, Particle physics, Loop Quantum Gravity, String theory;
- Geometric analysis on manifolds, Stochastic analysis;
- Philosophy of Physics, in particular philosophy of Quantum mechanics;
- Education, especially in pedagogical researches that seek to improve current methods in teaching Physics and Mathematics.
- "Physics of quadrupolar and accelerated compact astrophysical objects "
- " OHB award "
- " Finalist for the best Ph.D. thesis in Germany "
- "Axisymmetric oscillation modes of relativistic tori in the vicinity of a distorted, deformed compact object;Shokoufe Faraji, Audrey Trova; Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 10.1093/mnras/stad2209 (2023)
- "Thick accretion disk configurations in the Born-Infeld teleparallel gravity"; Sebastian Bahamonde, Shokoufe Faraji, Eva Hackmann, Christian Pfeifer; Physical Review D 106 084046 (2022)
- "Relativistic equilibrium fluid configurations around rotating deformed compact objects" Shokoufe Faraji, Audrey Trova, Hernando Quevedo; European Physical Journal C  82:1149 (2022)
- "Structure of the thin disk model in the background of a distorted naked singularity versus a distorted static black hole"; Shokoufe Faraji; preprint (2022) (pdf)
- "Circular geodesics in a New Generalization of q-metric "; Shokoufe Faraji; Universe Mathematical Physics 8030195 (2022)
- "Dynamics of charged particles and quasi-periodic oscillations in the vicinity of a distorted, deformed compact object embedded in a uniform magnetic field"; Shokoufe Faraji, Audrey Trova; Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 10.1093/mnras/stac 882 (2022)
- "Magnetised relativistic accretion disc around a spinning, electrically charged, accelerating black hole: case of C-metric";Shokoufe Faraji, Audrey Trova, Vladimir Karas; Physical Review D 105 103017 (2022)
- "Quasi-periodic oscillatory motion of particles orbiting a distorted deformed compact object"; Shokoufe Faraji, Audrey Trova; Universe Compact Astrophysical Objects 7110447 (2021)
- "Magnetized tori in the background of a deformed compact object";Shokoufe Faraji, Audrey Trova; Astronomy & Astrophysics 202039957 (2021)
- "Effect of an external mass distribution on the magnetized accretion disk";Shokoufe Faraji, Audrey Trova; Physical Review D 104 083006 (2021)
- "Thin accretion disk around the distorted Schwarzschild black hole"; Shokoufe Faraji, Eva Hackmann; Physical Review D 101 023002 (2019)
- "On Parabolicity of Riemannian manifolds";Shokoufe Faraji, Alexander Grigor’yan; Revista Matemática Iberoamericana 35 (2018)
- "Summary of the parallel session on Time and Philosophy in Physics; Shokoufe Faraji; (2022) (pdf)
- "Properties of accretion disc models in the background with quadrupoles; Shokoufe Faraji; (2022) (pdf)
- "Magnetized tori around a uniformly accelerating black hole; Shokoufe Faraji, Audrey Trova; (2022) (pdf)
Privatdozentin Dr. rer. nat. Eva Hackmann
+49 421 218-57862
Email: eva.hackmann
Privatdozent Dr. rer. nat. Volker Perlick
+49 421 218-57933
Email: volker.perlick