The programme is open for all students which are at least 18 years old and registered at a German or other European (ESA members only) University, with the goal of Bachelor, Master, Diploma or PhD.
The students team structure should cover different fields. It is important that different scientific and technical questions can be transferred into a working experiment and that sampled data can be evaluated correctly. Experiments out of the following fields are typical for the programme:
- Atmospheric Physics
- Space and Balloon Technology
- Radiation Physics and Biology
- Research in reduced Gravity
- Remote Sensing
- Communications
In addition to the knowledge about the scientific background, mechanics, electronics and informatics also knowledge about project management and outreach is needed. That's why students from non technical/scientific subjects are also welcome to join a team. Students who are registered at a German or Swedish University or at a University in an ESA associated state, can apply for the programme. All necessary Information as well as any forms for students applications are available at DLR Space Agency and at REXUS/BEXUS. Students who are registered at a German university send their application to the DLR Space Agency.