Test Labs

The ZARM vibration test lab enables fatigue testing for a variety of technical applications. We are specialists in the testing of aerospace components and scientific test setups. Our equipped laboratory makes it possible to test devices not only while they are in full operation but also under exposure to additional endurance test loads such as temperature cycling, icing, pressure surge, etc. For further information please contact Ulrich Kaczmarczik or read more...

The ZARM centrifuge is Europe’s only large-scale hyper-gravity facility able to test and certify objects of up to 1.5 tons in weight. Its primary role is to test prototypes of aerospace components and subsystems, and offers the unique capability of being able to expose test objects to a hyper-gravity environment up to 30 times the Earth's gravity while they are fully operational. For further information please contact Holger Oelze or read more...

In addition to its own test services, the ZARM Test Center cooperates with AES Aircraft Elektro/Elektronik System GmbH offering comprehensive electrical test and qualification services as well as climate simulations for aerospace components. For further information please contact Dr. Thorben Könemann or read more...
