Burrows, John P.
Advancing Earth observation science to meet the needs of the anthropocene -
Ciufolini, Ignazio
Fundamental physics with the new space mission LARES 2 -
Dachwald, Bernd
Setting Sails for Fundamental Physics Missions -
Dittus, Hansjörg
Quantum technologies in space -
Everitt, Francis
Space, Cryogenics & Fundamental Physics -
Günther, Christoph
Precise Synchronisation of MEO Satellites -
Gürlebeck, Norman
BOOST:A Frequency Comparison Experiment in Space -
Guzman, Felipe (C. Braxmaier)
New Technologies for Future Gravity Missions -
Hackmann, Eva
Testing General Relativity with clocks in space -
Hehl, Friedrich
Physical dimensions and units, universal constants and their relativistic invariance -
Herrmann, Sven
Test of the gravitational redshift with Galileo satellites 5+6 -
Jennrich, Oliver
LISA and beyond
Fundamental Physics @ ESA -
Jordan, Stefan
The astrometry satellite Gaia -
Kopeikin, Sergei
Covariant Equations of Motion of Extended Bodies with Mass and Spin Multipoles -
Lämmerzahl, Claus
Fundamental Physics on the ISS -
Langenstein, Tom
Gravity, Relativity, GP-B and GPS - One thing leads to another -
Lisdat, Christian
Transportable optical clocks -
List, Meike
Data analysis, orbit propagation, and the future of MICROSCOPE -
Mehlstäubler, Tanja
Atomic Clocks for Geodesy & Tests GR -
Nobili, Anna M.
High precisions tests of the equivalence principle in space have begun. Much higher precision is within reach. -
Nolli, Raffaele (Birmingham)
Space activities in the UK QT Hub in Sensors and Metrology -
Sarah Paczkowski
LISA Pathfinder -
Philipp, Dennis
The relativistic geoid -
Rasel, Ernst Maria
The Future Starts Now: Intererometry with Bose-Einstein Condensates on Ground and in Space -
Rievers, Benny
Orbit propagation and non-gravitational force modeling for fundamental physics missions -
Rodgrigues, Manuel
MICROSCOPE data analysis status -
Roura, Albert
Compensation of gravity gradients and rotations in precision atom interferometry -
Ruffini, Remo
Testing fundamental Physics in GRBs -
Schäfer, Gerhard
From fundamental problems in physics to fundamental physics in space
The impact of the detected gravitational waves on fundamental physics -
Scheithauer, Silvia
James Webb Telescope
Download .mp4 -
Shao, Lijing
Complementary for testing gravity with space missions -
Turychev, Slava
Advanced Laser Ranging for high-precision navigation and science investigations in Fundamental Physics
Direct Multipixel Imaging and Spectroscopy of an Exoplanet with a Mission to the Focus of the Solar Gravitational Lens -
Ulbricht, Hendrik
QT in Space activities in the UK -
van der Ha, Jozef
Thermal Radition Effects on Deep-Space Satellites Part 1
Thermal Radition Effects on Deep-Space Satellites Part 2 -
Walser, Reinhold
Technical Optics with matter-waves -
Wilms, Jörn
Space missions for astronomy and astrophysics
will come after the conference