Burrows, John P.
Advancing Earth observation science to meet the needs of the anthropocene
Ciufolini, Ignazio
Fundamental physics with the new space mission LARES 2
Dachwald, Bernd
Setting Sails for Fundamental Physics Missions
Dittus, Hansjörg
Quantum technologies in space
Everitt, Francis
Space, Cryogenics & Fundamental Physics
Günther, Christoph
Precise Synchronisation of MEO Satellites
Gürlebeck, Norman
BOOST:A Frequency Comparison Experiment in Space
Guzman, Felipe (C. Braxmaier)
New Technologies for Future Gravity Missions
Hackmann, Eva
Testing General Relativity with clocks in space
Hehl, Friedrich
Physical dimensions and units, universal constants and their relativistic invariance
Herrmann, Sven
Test of the gravitational redshift with Galileo satellites 5+6
Jennrich, Oliver
LISA and beyond
Fundamental Physics @ ESA
Jordan, Stefan
The astrometry satellite Gaia
Kopeikin, Sergei
Covariant Equations of Motion of Extended Bodies with Mass and Spin Multipoles
Lämmerzahl, Claus
Fundamental Physics on the ISS
Langenstein, Tom
Gravity, Relativity, GP-B and GPS - One thing leads to another
Lisdat, Christian
Transportable optical clocks
List, Meike
Data analysis, orbit propagation, and the future of MICROSCOPE
Mehlstäubler, Tanja
Atomic Clocks for Geodesy & Tests GR
Nobili, Anna M.
High precisions tests of the equivalence principle in space have begun. Much higher precision is within reach.
Nolli, Raffaele (Birmingham)
Space activities in the UK QT Hub in Sensors and Metrology
Sarah Paczkowski
LISA Pathfinder
Philipp, Dennis
The relativistic geoid
Rasel, Ernst Maria
The Future Starts Now: Intererometry with Bose-Einstein Condensates on Ground and in Space
Rievers, Benny
Orbit propagation and non-gravitational force modeling for fundamental physics missions
Rodgrigues, Manuel
MICROSCOPE data analysis status
Roura, Albert
Compensation of gravity gradients and rotations in precision atom interferometry
Ruffini, Remo
Testing fundamental Physics in GRBs
Schäfer, Gerhard
From fundamental problems in physics to fundamental physics in space
The impact of the detected gravitational waves on fundamental physics
Scheithauer, Silvia
James Webb Telescope
Shao, Lijing
Complementary for testing gravity with space missions
Turychev, Slava
Advanced Laser Ranging for high-precision navigation and science investigations in Fundamental Physics
Direct Multipixel Imaging and Spectroscopy of an Exoplanet with a Mission to the Focus of the Solar Gravitational Lens
Ulbricht, Hendrik
QT in Space activities in the UK
van der Ha, Jozef
Thermal Radition Effects on Deep-Space Satellites
Walser, Reinhold
Technical Optics with matter-waves
Wilms, Jörn
Space missions for astronomy and astrophysics