University President Professor Jutta Günther and Mayor Andreas Bovenschulte. © Annemarie Popp / Universität Bremen

Mayor Bovenschulte visits University of Bremen

The occasion was the latest developments in the Excellence Strategy funding competition organized by the German federal and state governments. The focus was also on the newly applied for Cluster of... more

Die Final-Teams aus den vergangenen Jahren. Quelle: ZARM, Universität Bremen
Nach sechs-monatiger Konstruktionszeit wird das Experiment für den Flug im Fallturm vorbereitet. Quelle: ZARM, Universität Bremen
Um das Experiment unter Schwerelosigkeit beobachten zu können, müssen Kameras und Messinstrumente um die Apparatur herum angebracht werden. Quelle: ZARM, Universität Bremen

DroPS school competition enters its 10th round

For the 10th time, we are inviting all secondary school students in Bremen and the surrounding area to submit their best idea for their own experiment in the drop tower. The deadline for proposals is... more

Die GRACE-Satellitenmission im Modell. Quelle: ZARM, Universität Bremen
Mit einer VR-Brille das Innere einer Forschungsstation auf dem Mars hautnah erleben. Quelle: ZARM, Universität Bremen
Ozobot-Roboter erkunden den Mars. Quelle: ZARM, Universität Bremen

ZARM at the Explore Science 2024

From 5 to 7 September, 2024, the Klaus Tschira Foundation's science festival attracted numerous visitors. School kids, teens, teachers and families took the opportunity to discover the topic of... more

Dr. Cyprien Verseux from the Center of Applied Space Technology and Microgravity (ZARM) at the University of Bremen has been awarded the prestigious ERC Starting Grant for early career researchers. Photo: Patrick Pollmeier / Universität Bremen
ERC Starting Grant recipient Dr. Cyprien Verseux (left) and PhD student Tiago Ramalho work on Atmos (Atmosphere Tester for Mars-bound Organic Systems), a machine developed in Verseux's laboratory for cultivating cyanobacteria under artificial atmospheres. Photo: Patrick Pollmeier / Universität Bremen

Prestigious ERC Starting Grant for Astrobiologist Cyprien Verseux

Astrobiologist and ZARM scientist Dr. Cyprien Verseux has been awarded the European Research Council's prestigious Starting Grant. For five years, he will be able to pursue a cutting-edge research... more
